On the 1st of July 2018, the speed limit in France for secondary roads without central partitions was reduced to 80 km/h (from 90 km/h).
We have updated more than 460,000 km of roads on our maps to reflect this change. A one-off map update with these changes is now available for TomTom-compatible SatNavs *.
* If you have an active Map Update Service, the map update will automatically be available in the list of your updates in TomTom HOME or MyDrive Connect.
To check if you are entitled to a map update, please check your Account details page: https://www.tomtom.com/account/details.html
If so, just install the update using the following instructions: Updating your device.
If you have an active speed camera subscription, we also recommend you perform this update.
Users without an active subscription can buy a new map here: https://www.tomtom.com/navigation/maps-services/map-update-service/