Please click your on operating system below to see steps for removing TomTom HOME from your computer. If you want to reinstall TomTom HOME, please see How do I reinstall TomTom HOME?
Detailed steps
Windows 10 & 8
- To completely exit TomTom HOME, do the following:
- Press the Windows key+D to go to the Windows Desktop screen.
- Locate the TomTom HOME icon in the taskbar notification area.
Tip ; click on the little triangle to the left off the notification area to see all icons. - Right-click the TomTom HOME icon
- Click Exit .
- Press the Windows key to go to the Windows Start screen.
- Type Uninstall .
- Click Uninstall TomTom HOME 2 .
The TomTom uninstaller begins. - Click Yes to confirm
- Click Yes if the User Account Control asks if you want to proceed.
Alternatively you can use Programs and Features (Windows 10) / Add or Remove Programs (Windows 8) in the Control Panel to remove TomTom HOME.
The TomTom HOME program files are now deleted from your computer. If you want to remove all related files and folders, including any backups, delete the TomTom folder from your documents folder by doing the following:
- Press the Windows key+E to open the Windows file explorer.
- Click Documents under This PC (Windows 10) / Libraries (Windows 8) in the Navigation pane.
- Right-click the TomTom folder and click Delete .
Windows 7 & Vista
- To completely exit TomTom HOME, do the following:
- Locate the TomTom HOME icon in the taskbar notification area.
Tip ; click on the little triangle to the left off the notification area to see all icons. - Right-click the TomTom HOME icon
- Click Exit .
- Locate the TomTom HOME icon in the taskbar notification area.
- Click on the Start button and go to All Programs → TomTom → Uninstall TomTom HOME 2
- Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the software.
- Click Yes if the User Account Control asks if you want to proceed.
- TomTom HOME uninstalls.
Alternatively you can use Add or Remove Programs in the Contol Panel to remove TomTom HOME.
The TomTom HOME program files are now deleted from your computer. If you want to remove all related files and folders, including any backups, delete the TomTom folder from your documents folder by doing the following:
- Click on the Start button and go to Documents .
- Right-click the TomTom folder and click Delete .
Windows XP
- To completely exit TomTom HOME, do the following:
- Locate the TomTom HOME icon in the taskbar notification area.
Tip ; click on the little triangle to the left off the notification area to see all icons. - Right-click the TomTom HOME icon
- Click Exit .
- Locate the TomTom HOME icon in the taskbar notification area.
- Click on the Start button and go to All Programs → TomTom → Uninstall TomTom HOME 2 .
- Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the software.
- TomTom HOME uninstalls.
Alternatively you can use Add or Remove Programs in the Contol Panel to remove TomTom HOME.
The TomTom HOME program files are now deleted from your computer. If you want to remove all related files and folders, including any backups, delete the TomTom folder from your documents folder by doing the following:
- Click on the Start button and go to My Documents .
- Right-click the TomTom folder and click Delete .
macOS (Apple)
- Click and hold the HOME icon in the Dock, then choose Quit to close it.
- In the Finder menu, click Go → Applications .
- Drag the TomTom HOME application to your Trash.
Watch the video
This video shows you how to uninstall TomTom HOME on Windows or Mac computers. If the application is not working correctly or shows a blank screen, you can uninstall the application from your computer. Make sure you have administrator rights to uninstall the application. For reinstalling TomTom HOME, check the steps here .