Our aim is to give warnings for all situations which can be dangerous, including any roadside cameras which can result in a fine or other penalties such as license points. Warnings are given regardless of whether you have are following a route or not. However, with a planned route the warnings may be more accurate. Warnings are visual and audible.
In the AmiGO app, warnings can be divided into Camera warnings and Hazard warnings .
Camera warnings:
- Fixed speed camera: A static camera, which is activated based on the speed of your vehicle..
- Mobile speed camera: A temporary camera (laser, radar, handheld or on a tripod) which is activated based on the speed or your vehicle and whose existence has been confirmed.
- Likely mobile camera: A mobile speed camera whose existence has not yet been confirmed.
- Red light camera: A static camera which is activated based on traffic light colour, in some areas combined with speed.
- Traffic restriction cameras: A static camera which is activated for a number of other restrictions such as no-right-turn cameras, bus-lane cameras, etc..
- Average speed zone: Two or more static cameras which measure your speed over a stretch of road and is activated when the average at the last camera is over the limit.
- Speed enforcement zone: Multiple static cameras spread over a stretch of road which are activated based on your driving speed, but not the average.
Hazard warnings:
- Jam ahead: A warning when you are approaching a traffic jam where the speed is much slower than that of the traffic driving towards it.
- Danger zones (only when driving in France): A warning for a potentially dangerous stretch of road, including fixed speed cameras.
- Risk zones (only when driving in France): A warning for a temporary, potentialy dangerous stretch of road, including mobile speed cameras whose existence have been confirmed.
- Likely risk zones (only when driving in France): A warning for a temporary, potentially dangerous stretch of road including mobile speed cameras whose existence have not yet been confirmed.
The AmiGO app also provides warnings for Speeding, i.e. driving above the speed limit.
For each of the warning types you can turn them on and off in the AmiGO app or restrict them to only warn you in certain situations. Go to the Settings menu to adjust these options.
If you turn a warning type off the app will no longer provide warnings for this type, and they will not be displayed on the map.